From the file of...Your dad is NUTS

So my darling boy... you have heard the story over & over....
These are the pictures PROOF that your father really did STRAP you to the lawn mower while mommy was out one afternoon...
Not sure what was more shocking for the neighbors.. your dad or your mother screaming like a crazy person... But come on... YOU WERE ON THE LAWN MOWER!
Dane 5 mos. Kansas City, MO


Hit 40 said...

Oh my heavens! I am a worrier... so disregard if you would like. Sorry.

But... I hope he is not mowing with his on the mower. Rocks and sticks fly out and hurt the kids. The children should be no where near the side where the grass flies out.

Unknown said...

Visting via AZ-- leaving a comment here cos I can't find your AZ blog amongst all of yours.

Could you make your comments link to your AZ blog, or maybe make the AZ blog your "My Web Page"? That way, it is easier to get straight to your AZ post.

We co-hosts visit upto 150 blogs a day in order to ensure that the challenge is smooth for everyone, and every little thing that saves time helps.
--Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2012

Twitter: @AprilA2Z

PS: pls turn off your word verification to make it easier to comment---you might consider comment moderation instead if you're unsure :)

LA Nickers said...

On the lawnmower!?! Holy moley!

Popping in as an A to Z Blogging Challenge participant. Please feel free to visit and comment on any of my blogs as well, leaving a link to your own post, so my readers can find you too!

You can click my name/icon for links to all six A to Z blogs! Happy A-to-Z-ing! said...
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Hmm! That was a bit scarry!